Bro. and Mrs. Todd Painter
Missionaries to the Kingdom of Thailand

Missionary Todd Painter is the founder and former pastor of Lincoln Baptist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. Brother Painter has been in the ministry for twenty-seven years and has served fifteen of those years in the pastorate. He was saved in 1978 after a convicting Sunday night service. He was a deputy sheriff for almost five years when God called him into full time service. He then resigned his position and attended Bible college in Longview, Texas. After graduating he was ordained and sent out to start a church in Lincoln, Nebraska.

During the fifteen years that Brother Painter had been leading the Lincoln Baptist Church the city of Lincoln had become one of the most major refugee relocation centers in the United States. Through this church they had reached many people from Southeast Asia and through this outreach his heart was bonded to the people of Southeast Asia in particular Thailand. On January 1, 2018 Brother Painter’s son Jonathan became the pastor of Lincoln Baptist Church and Brother Painter and his wife (Tammy) began preparations for the mission field. We have labored on the ground in Thailand since January 2020, starting their first church through COVID times. Currently they are starting a different church in the city of Pran Buri. Pray for them as they reach souls in the 17th most unevangelized nation on the face of the earth.


The Painter Family 2023

Indochina Missions Update